Through the many technical areas included under the umbrella of the M&T Ministry, we strive to:

Mission & Focus

Go beyond the physical walls of our church by way of the Emmanuel Website, Facebook page, and other media outlets to invite others to learn of God’s love, mercy, and grace that are being experienced at Emmanuel.  Continue to develop, update, and manage the church’s web site.

Responsible for gathering and disseminating information of public interest to the secular press, religious press, radio, television and other legitimate media of public information. To disseminate information to the congregation of the AME Church and surrounding community.

Mission & Focus

Enhance the worship experience through audio and video systems, lighting design, monitoring technology, advertisement, and photography.

To provide technical resources and advertisement tools and that will communicate to, and enable viewers, guests, and the congregation to develop a closer and deeper walk with God.

Operate and control the sound system during worship service and other special events.

Video and record church sermons, gospel programs, and other special events.

Develop advertisement tools and ideas to bring awareness of Emmanuel’s activities and programs to the community.

Continue to develop, upgrade, and expand our technical capabilities and resources.

Become fully comfortable with the operation, maintenance and protection of all systems and equipment purchased by Emmanuel.

To ensure that the Church itself and all its Worship Services, events and productions are represented in every form of media possible, i.e., radio, TV, print, as well as digital, while maintaining the Spiritual integrity of the mission and vision of the Church.

Mission & Focus
The purpose of the Music Ministry is to aid the Church ministry with the expression of praise and worship through the singing of songs, through the playing of instruments, and through dance, so that souls might come to Christ. The Music Ministry displays the stewardship of time and talent, working as a team, by evangelizing the congregation through these expressions of worship, praise, prayer and service.

The Music Ministry includes:

Voices of PraiseAdult Choir
Mighty Men of Emmanuel – Men’s Chorus
Holy Youth Praise Experience (HYPE) – Teen and young adult choir
Children of Praise Choir- (ages 3 – 10)